What We Believe
Statement of Faith
We are a contemporary, independent, evangelical, non-denominational, cell-based church.
We believe:
1. A Triune God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Three distinct characters in one Holy God.
2. The Holy Bible as God breathed and inerrant.
3. Man being separated from God because of sin.
4. Salvation by Grace through Faith in Jesus
Christ alone.
5. Baptism through immersion as a public
profession of one's faith.
6. Holy Communion - Partaking in The Lord's
Supper in remembrance of His sacrifice.
7. Christ's Second Coming
8. The reality of Heaven and Hell
9. The local church being chosen by God to represent His love to the community.
10. The power of prayer.
11. Expressing our love, reverence, and devotion
to God through worship.